Easy access to healthcare for small businesses.

If you are just starting your business and want to offer your employees affordable access to care but can't afford traditional health insurance, Sun Health & Dental is your solution.
Image of a group of employees.

Sun Health & Dental is a great starting point for startups or small businesses that want to offer some form of healthcare to their employees.

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Sun Health & Dental's provider network comes with a wide-range of providers and healthcare services in your local area at fixed prices.

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Through your Sun Health & Dental account you can find providers, schedule appointments and contact our team at any time.

See your doctor for just $40 a month.

Help your employees take control of their health!

We offer affordable access to healthcare providers from physicians & specialists to diagnostic radiology, dental, vision, pharmacy, hospitals & urgent care.

Get more information

We cover 98% of Texas and Florida. More states soon!

The only discount medical plan with an A+ BBB rating.


Satisfied members who have taken control of their health.

“I didn't think it would be possible to offer real healthcare to my employees. Sun Health & Dental delivered and helped save me money."

Ana F.

"Sun Health & Dental gives my employees excellent dental and vision care. It has also helped me to attract better workers and compete in the job market."

Jose M.

“ Having a way to get your employees to see doctors at an affordable price has brought me peace of mind and helped our employees immensely."

Eduardo M.

Transform your business and start offering real benefits to your employees.

Get setup in minutes.

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